Quiz 2: Study Guide

Quizzes are open book. 30 minutes at the start of class.


This quiz includes the previous topics from Quiz 1 plus

  • Variables

  • Data types: String, float, int, color, boolean

  • Accumulator variable pattern

  • Order of operations

  • Conditional statements: if/else

  • Logical and relational operators: &&, ||, !, , >=, >, < , ==

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, , /, ++, --, += , -=, =, /=

  • The empty string: ""

  • String concatenations with +

  • keyPressed() (function), keyPressed (boolean), mousePressed() (function), mousePressed (boolean), key, keyCode, mouseX, mouseY

Practice questions

1) What is the value and type for each of the following expressions?

  • 2 + 3

  • 2*3.0

  • 2.0 + 3

  • 6/10

  • 6/10.0

  • 5 - 2 * 3

  • "12"

  • 2.0

  • 2+4*2+1

  • "I love " + "CS"

2) Given the following variables, what is the value and type for each of the following expressions?

int x = 5;
int y = 13;
String message = "cat!";
boolean Done = false;
  • x < 10 && y < 10

  • x < 10 || y < 10

  • x < 10 && x > 0

  • x > 10 || x < 0

  • (5/x) > 7.0

  • message == "cats"

  • !Done

  • Done || (x < 6 && y > 10)

3) Consider the following program

int x = 3;
void setup() {

void draw() {
  if (x > 0) {
    x = x / 2;
  else {
    x = ( 3*x + 1 ) / 2;
  println("Frame: " + frameCount + " The answer is " + x); // trace variables here
  • What is the output of this program on the first frame?

  • Create a table having columns for frameCount, x > 0, and x and trace the values of these variables for the first three draw calls (show their values for the println() statement).

4) Write a program that draws square if a random number (between 0 and 100) is less than 30 and draws an ellipse otherwise.

5) Write a program that draws square if the user pressed 's', a triangle if the user pressed 't', and a blank screen if the user presses any other key.

6) Write a program that animates a ball to go from the bottom left of the screen to the top right.

7) Write a program in which a shape starts at full opacity and fades to invisible.

8) Consider the following code

String colorName = "purple";

void setup() {
  if (colorName != "red") {
    println(colorName + " is not primary");
  else if (colorName != "blue") {
    println(colorName + " is not primary");
  else if (colorName != "yellow") {
    println(colorName + " is not primary");
  else {
    println(colorName + " is primary");
  • Draw a decision diagram corresponding to this if statement.

  • What does the above code print when

    • colorName = "purple"?

    • colorName = "red"?

    • colorName = "yellow"?

9) Consider the following code

float diameter = random(0,500);
void setup() {

  if (diameter < 100) {
    ellipse( 50,  50, diameter, diameter);
    ellipse(450, 450, diameter, diameter);
  else {
    ellipse( 250,  250, diameter, diameter);
  • What range of values can the variable diameter take on?

  • What image would be drawn if diameter has value 2?

  • What image would be drawn is diameter has value 300?

10) Consider the following program

void setup() {

void draw() {
  if (mouseX < 100) {
    ellipse( 50, 100, mouseX, mouseX*2);
    ellipse(550, 300, mouseX, mouseX*2);
  else {
    ellipse( 300,  200, mouseX, 400);
  • What range of values can mouseX take on?

  • What range of values can mouseY take on?

  • What image would be drawn if mouseX has value 50?

  • What image would be drawn if mouseX has value 300?

  • Could the above code generate the following image? Why or why not?

Q2 wrong


The most effective way to study is to attempt the questions on your own without looking at the answers first.


  • 2 + 3 (5, int)

  • 2*3.0 (6.0, float)

  • 2.0 + 3 (5.0, int)

  • 6/10 (0 int)

  • 6/10.0 (0.6, float)

  • 5 - 2 * 3 (-1, int)

  • "12" ("12", String)

  • 2.0 (2.0, float)

  • 2+4*2+1 (11, int)

  • "I love " + "CS" ("I love CS", String)


int x = 5;
int y = 13;
String message = "cat!";
boolean Done = false;
  • x < 10 && y < 10 (false, boolean)

  • x < 10 || y < 10 (true, boolean)

  • x < 10 && x > 0 (true, boolean)

  • x > 10 || x < 0 (false, boolean)

  • (5/x) > 7.0 (false, boolean)

  • message == "cats" (false, boolean)

  • !Done (true, boolean)

  • Done || (x < 6 && y > 10) (true, boolean)

3a) The first time draw() is called, we print "Frame 1 The answer is 1". One tricky detail is that frameCount is 0 in setup() and 1 on the first draw() call. The best way to check is to run the program.

3b) The question asked to trace the variables in draw(), so this yields


x > 0




1 (result of 3/2)



0 (result of 1/2)



0 (result of 0/2)

If we traced the variable from the beginning of the program, we would get


x > 0




3 (result of variable initialization)



1 (result of 3/2)



0 (result of 1/2)



0 (result of 0/2)

4) Write a program that draws square if a random number between 0 and 100 is less than 30 and draws an ellipse otherwise.

void setup() {
  int number = random(0,100);
  if (number < 30) {
    rect(20,30, 100, 400);
  else {
    ellipse(200,300, 100, 400);


  • The canvas sizes and shape parameters can be anything

  • The types of shapes must be correct inside the if statement

  • The parameters passed to random are important

  • The if condition is important

  • In general, the program should implement anything that is explicitly mentioned in the question. Other details can be anything.

5) Write a program that draws square if the user pressed 's', a triangle is the user pressed 't', and a blank screen if the user presses any other key.

void setup() {

void draw() {
  if (key == 's') {
    rect(20,30, 100, 400);
  else if (key == 't') {
    triangle(10, 20, 100, 400, width, 0);

6) Write a program that animates a ball to go from the bottom left of the screen to the top right.

float x = 0;
float y = 0;
void setup() {
  y = height;

void draw() {
  ellipse(x, y, 100, 100);
  x += 10;
  y -= 10;


  • You could also hard-code y to 500 during initialization

  • Background color is not important, but clearing the screen is important for the animation effect

  • Adding a value to x is important for rightwards movement

  • Subtracting a value to y is important for upwards movement

  • (Less important) To easily achieve a perfect diagonal, define a square canvas and make the x and y change by the same amount

7) Write a program in which a shape starts at full opacity and fades to invisible.

float alpha = 255;
void setup() {

void draw() {
  fill(255,0,255, alpha);
  ellipse(100, 100, 100, 100);


  • Clearing the screen is important for the effect to work

  • The color can be anything except white (so we can see the color change) and must include an alpha value

  • You can decrement alpha by any (small) amount

8a) You should draw this using diamonds for each condition, paths leading out for "true" and "false" and squares for statement blocks. See the lecture worksheet for examples.


  • "purple is not primary"

  • "red is not primary"

  • "yellow is not primary"

9a) Diameter values are in range [0, 500). This notation means the last value 500 is not returned by this call.

9b) You should draw this for the quiz. Your answer should have a tiny circle in the top left and bottom right of the screen.

9c) You should draw a picture. Your answer would have a large circle in the middle of the screen.

10a) mouseX is in range [0,600]

10b) mouseY is in range [0, 400]

10c) You should draw a picture with an ellipse in the top left and the bottom right. The ellipse should be taller than it is wide.

10d) You should draw a picture with a single ellipse in the middle of the canvas. It should be slightly taller than it is wide.

10e) No, because when there are two ellipses (e.g. mouseX < 100), the ellipse is always twice as tall as it is wide.